A Brief History Of The Limo
Recently a teacher called in to a radio talk show and informed us that history was being removed from school curricula. It seems that history is being sacrificed for political agenda. I thought, how sad. Now our kids are going to be more detached than ever from their heritage. But then, years ago, when I was in school (and I am a grandmother), the history books were boring anyway. Moreover, they were loaded with falsehoods. It is past time that we parents and grandparents reclaim our rightful role as conveyers of our heritage and values to our children, and not just the young ones. Young adults have also been deprived of facts about the epic heroes in our heritage. Most of the great epic heroes were taught privately or at home, anyway. And some very great brains were kicked out of school.
Some of the black students on campus forcefully made the point that what passed for “history” at the University of Maryland was white history anyway, so white folks already had their “White Studies”. But that wasn’t right either. The history being taught at UM largely ignored how the whole concept of whiteness was created and nurtured and what part that played in American society. Sure the Great Men of History we studied there (.and yes, they were mostly men in 1968), usually had a melanin deficiency. But what role their actual whiteness played (if any) was generally ignored.
Sadly, even fewer people develop the history habit than its more famous sibling, the “reading habit.” The simple reason that most adults don’t develop the history habit is that they don’t learn to love history when they are still young, and then they learn to hate it when they are in high school.
Many businesses wait until they are celebrating a milestone anniversary before investigating their essay buy, but there are PR opportunities to be found at any time. Hire a historian or researcher to do the work. Your historical society probably knows one if you don’t. Find out your founder’s birthday and use that as an excuse for a special offer, press release, and event. Look for connections to potential markets – communities served in the past, organizations your founder belonged to or supported, you get the idea. Look for any possible legitimate link that can get you in front of new audiences.
Of the thousands of writers I’ve worked with on preparing their scripts and pitching them, there is one single greatest and most common problem with the pitch (and usually the story itself ). The biggest problem is the plot! You might be thinking, “No kidding, Sherlock, how’d you get to be so smart–the plot is the whole deal.” But what I mean is this.
There are two kinds of history, the documented and the undocumented. These two differs on the kind of approach from people. Documented histories are seen on books, libraries and other medium whereas the undocumented are those events that have no evidence like storytelling, legends and more.
Take time to reinforce skills they’ve struggled with. Summer is a great time for reflection. Reflect on the past school year with your child and identify areas for improvement. Use the summer as an opportunity to build up those skills. Find a teacher or tutor in the area who can help you identify best ways to improve these Poetics areas over the summer.
Yet these efforts have always fallen far short of what their best people hoped to accomplish. Post-Civil War Reconstruction with its vision of social justice for all was defeated by the adherents of white privilege. Decades of Jim Crow apartheid and savage terrorism were the result. The CIO’s efforts to mend the racial divisions in our working class foundered on the rocks of white privilege, leaving this nation without universal health insurance and other social benefits that most developed countries take for granted. The promise of the civil rights movement was met by a white privilege backlash that gave us the brutishness of the Nixon, Reagan and Bush years.
To the north of Edom, bordering the Salt (or Dead) Sea, lies Moah. Moabites descended from Lot, nephew of Abraham. So they were also relatives of the Hebrews. And they too were condemned by the Hebrew prophets. Amos said Moah will be destroyed for desecrating the bones of the king of Edom. And Zephaniah as we mentioned before prophesied that Moab would Comics studies become like Sodom.
They had stolen the Hebrews’ gold, silver, and treasures. Worse than that, Philistines sold Jews as slaves to the Greeks. Amos, between 760 – 750 B.C., predicted the Philistines would be completely annihilated. A century later, Zephaniah said a remnant of Judah will inherit their land.
Not far from where I took my first Black Studies class is a little stream called Antietam Creek. On a September day in 1862, 23,000 Americans were killed or wounded there in the single most bloody day in our history. Those 12 terrible hours in the rolling Maryland countryside were only a small moment in the most terrible and destructive war ever fought in the USA.and all because of The Deal.